Frequency Soul Collective

Meet The Business Behind AO Scan Technology
Solex Global is an American company born in the heart of western innovation, cradled by the majesty of the Rocky Mountains. We are making history with technology that was inspired by Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, Royal Rife and other remarkable pioneers who helped unlock the secrets of our universe regarding energy, frequency, vibration and resonance.

Quantum Living is an idea pioneered by physicists, scientists, and philosophers who combine ancient religious wisdom with thought-provoking subatomic discoveries in modern quantum theory. Blending physics and philosophy has changed the way we view existence. The universal implications are astounding when applied to the human body and to the life-defining power of our thoughts, feelings, and emotions. We call this emerging creed Quantum Living.
Journalist Marina Rose summarised the meaning of Quantum Living as follows:
Quantum Living is best described as an extraordinary new approach to living that allows us to see our role in life as that of the active creator, rather than just the passive observer, creatively shaping our experience in a conscious and connected universe. It’s an understanding that in this field of pure energy everything is possible, and knowing this, we live more thoughtfully, understanding every thought, feeling and action is in a delicate and interconnected dance at the deepest quantum level.
At Solex Global, we share these beliefs, and take it one step further—we are designing tools and technologies to empower individuals to make Quantum Living a reality.

Our mission is to help each life we touch Master Quantum Living
by allowing all experiences to be empowering.
About 38 years ago, Loran Swensen began a search for alternative treatments for his adopted son, who was born into this world with a crippling disability. This young father’s quest for a solution took him around the globe, meeting with top physicists and sampling life-changing technology. Today, the impacts of his discoveries have not only changed the life of his son, but thousands of others since.
Solex Global has developed some of the best holistic devices related to energetic well-being. Our technologies include the latest advancements in vibrational and electromagnetic interventions. From 2012 to 2020, as Innergy Development, we sold these technologies exclusively to practitioners—who spent upwards of $35,000. That changed in July of 2020 when we created Solex Global to put this same technology into a handheld device for a fraction of the cost.

We are a soul tribe of conscious entrepreneurs who have partnered with Solex to make quantum living accessible for every person and their pets!
We provide holistic business support, mentoring, and empowered tools to help entrepreneurs build businesses that not only help their clients feel good but help the business owner to feel in alignment and living with purpose each and every day.
If you have a desire to align yourself with a soul tribe, please reach out to the person who shared this website with you to learn more!